Business Continuity Tip of the Month

That was the week that was

Well, Business Continuity Awareness Week has come and gone. Hopefully you made the most of it and used the opportunity to raise awareness and promote the benefits of business continuity management within your own organisation.

Anyway, now that’s out of the way we can forget about it until next March and concentrate on doing some "real work".

No! Business Continuity Awareness Week might provide the impetus for a concerted effort once a year, but if you treat it as the only time to put some serious effort into raising awareness you’re missing a huge opportunity.

Awareness is not something that can be hammered home for a short period then forgotten about. Awareness needs to be worked on – regularly, if not constantly.

Awareness raising is "real work". When it comes to your business continuity awareness campaign the most effective approach is almost certain to be the "little and often" method, to keep the awareness going.

So by all means plan for a big splurge during next year’s Business Continuity Awareness Week, but why not also plan to do something, however small, every few weeks, to keep people thinking about business continuity management throughout the year?