We are experts in business continuity management and related disciplines...

Helping our clients to develop a robust business continuity capability...

We have helped hundreds of clients to analyse, implement and verify their business continuity capability...

A Business Continuity Capability vs. a Business Continuity Plan

We are experts in business continuity management and related disciplines, including risk management, information security management and crisis communications.

At Acumen, our interest lies in helping our clients to develop a business continuity capability, rather than merely writing a business continuity plan.

This includes the capability of the people who would be called upon to activate their plans and the capability provided by the strategies and solutions that underpin those plans.

Our highly experienced consultants have helped hundreds of clients to implement a robust, fit for purpose business continuity capability.

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What Our Clients Say

I have to admit to being pretty clueless about business continuity when we started. Acumen helped us understand exactly where we were and what we needed to do, without blinding us with science, and we’re now in a much better position as a result.

Bernice Vaughan
Sales Delivery Manager
NoteMachine UK Ltd