Ring the changes
It’s that time of year again. A new year, with new challenges to be met. So it’s the time of year when many organisations decide to reorganise or restructure the business, in order to meet those new challenges. Which is all well and good, but it could mean that the business continuity strategies, solutions and plans you had in place last year might not now fit the bill.
An out of date business continuity plan is, at best, of little use. And, at worst, it may even be dangerous if it gives a false sense of security. In many ways, an out of date plan is worse than no plan at all.
So it’s also the time of year for taking stock and making some resolutions, to ensure that changes to the business are reflected in the business continuity plans. As part of this, why not resolve to….
Review previous business impact or risk assessment data (or, if you’ve never actually done a business impact analysis or risk assessment, to do one now)
Carry out a plan health check or audit
Do some training and awareness
Conduct some exercises and tests
A new year brings new challenges and new opportunities. Why not take this opportunity to ensure that your business continuity plans are up to scratch?
Happy New Year.