Oz's Business Continuity Blog 

Oz’s Business Continuity Blog : “Apocalypse, no”

Unless you’ve missed the news recently, you’ll know that last weekend was a hugely significant one for all of us.

Or not, as it turned out.

No, I’m not talking about my birthday on Friday, even though it was significant enough for me to take a day off work; or my son’s birthday on Saturday, despite that also falling on the day in question. No, I’m talking about the apocalypse or ‘judgement day’ or the ‘Rapture’ as the end of mankind was variously billed.

Far be it from me to knock people’s beliefs, so if you were one those taken in by the whole Rapture thing I apologise if I come across as a tad cynical. I think I’m probably fairly safe on that score though, as I suspect that most of those who believed the world was going to end lost interest in their business continuity plans a while ago and therefore won’t be reading this.

Thankfully – at least for those of us who didn’t quit our jobs and give away all our worldly possessions, the event didn’t live up to all the hype. In fact, everyone that I spoke to thought it was utter nonsense. But, sadly, a significant number of people were taken in by that nonsense.

There are also a number of myths in the business continuity world that, in my humble opinion, fall into the ‘nonsense’ category, and that, regrettably, far too many people are taken in by.

Like the tired old ‘statistic’ that 80% of businesses without a BC plan fail within 6/12/18 months (delete as the fancy takes you) of a ‘disaster’.

Or that old chestnut about software taking away all the effort of implementing a business continuity programme.

Or the misguided belief that one person can develop and implement an effective business continuity strategy and plan on behalf of the business without their involvement…and without any executive support…and  without a budget.

Or the one about the IT department, no matter how well meaning, being able to implement IT continuity solutions that meet the requirements of the business without actually asking the business what it needs.

I could go on, but I think you probably get the point by now. The point is that sometimes we’re fooled into believing something that just isn’t true – often by someone who has a vested interest in us believing it. And sometimes all that’s required to expose the myth is some research and a bit of logical thinking – along with the application of a small amount of cynicism and a dollop of common sense.

The alternative, of course, is to just go with it and find out the hard way later on.


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