Business Continuity Tip of the Month

Once is not enough

Like Christmas and (unless you’re the Queen) your birthday, Business Continuity Awareness Week comes around but once a year – in case you didn’t know, this year it’s 18th to 22nd March.

We might look forward to it with eager anticipation. We may plan things well in advance to maximise our enjoyment of the event. We may even ignore it and hope that it goes away! 

And, like with Christmas and birthdays, it is possible to over-indulge so that people get a bit sick of it and are actually glad when it’s over.

But why wait a whole year, binge for a short period and then forget all about it ‘til next year? When it comes to your business continuity management awareness campaign the best approach might well be to do it a little and often.

So by all means make the most of Business Continuity Awareness Week – maybe arrange some extra events or displays or whatever. But why not also plan to do something every month (or even every week) to keep people thinking about business continuity management throughout the year?

Christmas and birthdays might only come once a year but if you take this approach with your business continuity awareness programme, you might just be missing a trick.