Let’s get personal
When creating our crisis/incident management or business continuity plans, it’s common to think of people in terms of their roles within those plans or within the organisation. So, people tend to get pigeonholed – as the Chief Executive, or the Crisis/Incident Management Team Leader, or the media spokesperson, or whoever.
Whilst it’s obviously important to consider the roles of these key players, it’s also important to consider that, first and foremost, they are people. And people – yes, even senior people! – have lives outside of work and have their own personal issues and concerns, as well as those of the organisation.
When a crisis hits, it’s only natural that people don’t only see themselves in their professional roles, but also see themselves as themselves – a parent; a spouse or partner; a son or daughter; a home-owner; a person who’s also experiencing the stresses and strains of the crisis. Depending on the prevailing situation, these personal concerns may well be uppermost in their minds. So, in order for them to be effective in their assigned roles, they have to be allowed to address their own personal issues.
It’s very easy to assume, when creating our plans, that people will be available, willing and able to drop everything, including their own personal issues and concerns, in favour of their crisis/incident management or business continuity roles. But if we do this, things may not go as smoothly as anticipated when we try to put those plans into operation.